Beyond Mindfulness

Beyond Mindfulness

Saturday July 6th 2019  2:00-3:30  

This is a beginning to intermediate level course for those who are new to meditation or those who have been practicing for awhile.  What lies beyond the generic term mindfulness?  You will be guided in a meditation, relaxation and an energizing breathing exercise.  You will be able to take home an outline of the practices that can be used daily. A brief introduction to the scientific approach of this tradition will be presented.  You will receive reading resources to deepen your understanding of the physiological affects of meditation, relaxation, and breathing practices. 

Location:  St. Paul Yoga Center, 1162 Selby Ave, St Paul, MN 55104


$13.00 for students.  Students email me at to register and make payment arrangements.

email me at if registering and paying online isn't working 
